Tuesday, March 31, 2009
disproving the misconceptions
I always say that New Jersey is totally underrated, and most people think it's a giant slum, but as I know for fact, and as these lists prove, they are all wrong.
After all, the typical NJ stereotype is that of the "Jersey Shore D-Bag", and well after all, aren't they (in some circles) well dressed, well groomed, well tanned, well muscled men with expensive shore houses and expensive cars? And although I know money isn't all that matters, it sure does matter a lot in our culture.
so, as I already know, we own connecticut, not always, but at least we never leave the top 2.
once again, we own connecticut.
Anyways, I'm bored.
You people better give me some good ideas on places to visit during the summer. I need a good get away!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
at my window, sad and lonely
I woke up to my Louis (my dog) seizuring beside his dog dish, my mom screaming, and myself totally confused. He was foaming at the mouth, laying on his side running like 1000 miles an hour, completely incoherent, wasn't responsive at all. he peed and vomitted everywhere, it was really bad.
I thought maybe holding his head up would help, you know, when people have seizures you're not supposed to let them lie on their backs in case they swallow their tongue or some shit, so I held the giant in my lap, and was petting him, and he started to calm down. Right about when he was starting to be responsive and starting to look around, he looked right up at me and started growling.
Now , okay I'm under him, holding him against me, and my dog is a BIG dog, and he NEVER growls, he has the best temperament of any animal I've ever seen.
He's a golden retriever for christ's sake.
And I've never been so scared of my dog, I had to back away from him, and he just started barking at all of us.
It was totally like the scene in Old Yeller where the dog goes crazy and the family just had to kill it.
We had to lock ourselves in our rooms til my dad got home, we eventually had to call animal control cause he was freaking out and scared of all of us, and was just ready to attack at any moment.
Animal control eventually came, and he was doing better, he finally seemed to recognize us. I'm still just completely scared for him, for everything, it's been hell. My nerves are shot. He's at the vet now, getting tests done, and I just hope that they'll be able to find out what caused it so it'll never happen again, cause this is too traumatic to happen again. Honestly, it was so fucking scary, I'm still shaking and this happened hours ago.
I don't know what to do about my dog, I feel like I'm going to be afraid of him now and I don't want to be cause he's like this stupid, gentle giant. He's the goofiest bastard on the planet, and ugh, sorry, I'm getting upset again. I'll leave you all with some pictures of my Louis.

he doesn't like camera flashes hahaha

he is a lazy bum.

he likes chewing my brother's smelly shoes.

Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
my thoughts on the "best 90's movies"
this is the list.
these are my issues.
40. Speed. I can deal with that. Keanu Reeves break out role. A little too cheesy, but I'll still watch it if it comes on tv.
36. Swingers. I haven't seen this, basically what I'm trying to say is that I have to.
35. Philadelphia. Makes me cry like a baby every time. Tried to get my bitch sister to watch it with me once, but the soulless human that she is doesn't like it.
34. Clueless. OMG loves it. When I was young I couldn't wait to wear plaid skirts and knee highs in high school, but by that time the trend kindaaa faded.
32. Rushmore. Yup, another one I still haven't seen. Fuck me.
30. The Fugitive. IT was the guy without the leg! Or the arm! or the hand? something.
29. The Usual Suspects. I have a weiiird crush on Gabriel Byrne. I think that's why I like In Treatment so much.
28. Jerry Maguire. Best movie for cheesy over-the-top quotes.
26. Dazed and Confused. One movie that I introduced my sister to that she actually likes. Teenage classic! I watch this movie whenever I feel like I'm heading nowhere. It let's me know that other people don't have lives or responsibilities either, but then again, I'm not a teenager anymore.
22. Boyz in the Hood. Haven't seen it. Another one to add to the list.
21. Office Space. yay! Totally the inspiration for The Office. Totally loved it when it came out and I'd watch it on HBO before HBO left cable.
17. American Beauty. One of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. I love Annette Bening/Kevin Spacey in it. Thora Birch annoys me a pinch though. But I was probably like that at her age too.
16. Trainspotting. Nice choice.
14. Terminator 2. BIG SHOUT OUT TO JOHN CONNOR. lols
13. The Sixth Sense. I love Toni Collette. I didn't think this movie was scary despite that the studio tried to market it as such. If anything, I cried for days.
11. Titanic. SO OVERRATED! If Nora ever reads this, she will kill me.
10. The Matrix. This movie is just so hot. Literally it's hot. I want to BE these people.
8. Groundhog Day. I FUCKING HATED THIS MOVIE WHEN I WAS A KID. I never finished it because I couldn't watch anymore than the first 30 minutes.
7. Shawshank Redemption. Once while playing hang man, I guessed this movie without any hints. What other movie title has two words that are both that long? Oh, sidenote, everyone loves Morgan Freeman.
6. LA Confidential. There have been a lot of movies made about crooked LA cops. Another reason why East Coast OWNS West Coast.
5. Silence of the Lambs. I get angry when I hear that people haven't seen this movie, I really do. The end scene with Jodie Foster in the dark will still make me nervous no matter how many times I'll see it.
1. Goodfellas. Not big on mafia movies, but I did like The Godfather so I probably should get around to seeing this classic piece too.
articles of the day.
cute little dolphins, they so smart.
these cameras still aren't cheap enough for me to afford.
this is a monstrosity. i'd like to know who would actually buy this. seriously, i'd like to know them.
"Race winner Chris Allan did see authorities put up a shark signal as he was swimming, but he seemed to take it in stride."
what a bad ass.
in june i'm going to D.R. and my recent fear of sharks might just keep me from going in the water completely.
some more abstinence propaganda bullshit.
The article's headline was "what drives people to kill their families"
how could I not read this?
In 2005 more people died from suicide than from homicide.
"best 80s movies"
I have some problems with this...
Ghostbusters is ONLY #40, this shit was my childhood.
Do The Right Thing is ONLY 33.
sex, lies and videotape is ONLY 32. how?! I love James Spader in his younger days.
Die Hard is before ALL of those movies (i've never seen it, so i guess in a way i shouldn't judge it)
My Left Foot is 16- what the hell. I love Daniel Day Lewis and all, but seriously.
THE Terminator is 13 and THE SHINING is 14- how could this be possible? what assholes made this list. That is an outrage.
But, I am happy that....
Ordinary People made 30, just saw it recently for the first time, fell in love with Timothy Hutton. If you haven't seen it, you definately should get around to doing so.
When Harry Met Sally made 12, my romantic comedy must. I dont know what I love more, this or Bridget.
The Empire Strikes Back made 4
Is Blade Runner really that good that it made 2? I like sci-fi so I guess I should see it soon.
With all this said, I still have not seen Full Metal Jacket or Blue Velvet. I know, they're basically classics.
I don't want to bother you all with the "best movies of the 90's" tonight, so I'll post my feelings on that tomorrow.
Monday, March 16, 2009
nosferatu and other fair skinned friends.
And watching this movie made me realize that I have an unhealthy obsession with vampires. For some people, their paranormal obsessions are ghosts. I know Nora loves watching ghost stories on tv and shit like that. My thing is vampires. I don't know why. Maybe it's the whole dead yet undead thing. Or maybe cause all vampires (except Nosferatu) are portrayed as beautiful, charming, and wealthy intellectuals with a bad side.
If I could go to Transylvania, I so would. I watched Anthony Bourdain's episode when they went to Count Dracula's supposed castle. I don't think I blinked my eyes once during the entire episode.
I love villians. Even more so, I love villians that are a package deal (smart, charming, undead, lanky, beautiful, etcccc).
I wish I could find myself a nice vampire boy.
I'm going to go watch Mystic Pizza now. I used to love going to Mystic with my family. It's such a pretty little town. And I've been to the actual pizza place, BE jealous.
Good night all.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
everything counts
madison square garden.
i'm there.
it's been one hell of a wild weekend. in two days i've had 7 hours of sleep.
loves it.
aimee's in cancun, and she was almost late for her flight last night because we were lost in bay ridge, brooklyn for an hour. i hate the bqe.
upset i didn't see a-trak tonight, but... there will be other nights.
love you all dearly.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
espana (no swivel mark above the n, my computer doesn't do that)
1. this is a one week sale. trip must be booked by FRIDAY. yes, two days from now.
2. on such short notice, it's difficult for people to scramble some money together.
3. we all have to book the flights on different credit cards.
4. the trip is may 13th, i have to see if i have any finals.
5. i'm not good at planning shit and it kinda seems like i'm the ringmaster of all this.
much stress, but i really hope this all works out. just thinking of barcelona makes me want to cry. i think if this actually gets booked, i will cry. and if it doesn't, i will cry as well. although, i've been particularly sensative and neurotic this week, so i don't think i can blame my future tears on this trip specifically.
this weather's been making me under the weather as well.
when's it going to be nice out?
i'm not asking for a lot. just 50 degrees and sunshine. none of this cloudy, chilly bullshit.
my room is a mess. i have water bottles piling alongside my desk, old dryer sheets all over my floor, towels, clothes, shoes, scratch off's (lolz). i've been such a drag recently. ughh.
i'm too lazy to send links to what i've been reading today or this week, but you should educate yourselves with some perez hilton later when you get the chance. very intelligent reading.
i have nothing of importance to say, but then again, i never do.
good night. happy spring break y'all