I woke up to my Louis (my dog) seizuring beside his dog dish, my mom screaming, and myself totally confused. He was foaming at the mouth, laying on his side running like 1000 miles an hour, completely incoherent, wasn't responsive at all. he peed and vomitted everywhere, it was really bad.
I thought maybe holding his head up would help, you know, when people have seizures you're not supposed to let them lie on their backs in case they swallow their tongue or some shit, so I held the giant in my lap, and was petting him, and he started to calm down. Right about when he was starting to be responsive and starting to look around, he looked right up at me and started growling.
Now , okay I'm under him, holding him against me, and my dog is a BIG dog, and he NEVER growls, he has the best temperament of any animal I've ever seen.
He's a golden retriever for christ's sake.
And I've never been so scared of my dog, I had to back away from him, and he just started barking at all of us.
It was totally like the scene in Old Yeller where the dog goes crazy and the family just had to kill it.
We had to lock ourselves in our rooms til my dad got home, we eventually had to call animal control cause he was freaking out and scared of all of us, and was just ready to attack at any moment.
Animal control eventually came, and he was doing better, he finally seemed to recognize us. I'm still just completely scared for him, for everything, it's been hell. My nerves are shot. He's at the vet now, getting tests done, and I just hope that they'll be able to find out what caused it so it'll never happen again, cause this is too traumatic to happen again. Honestly, it was so fucking scary, I'm still shaking and this happened hours ago.
I don't know what to do about my dog, I feel like I'm going to be afraid of him now and I don't want to be cause he's like this stupid, gentle giant. He's the goofiest bastard on the planet, and ugh, sorry, I'm getting upset again. I'll leave you all with some pictures of my Louis.

he doesn't like camera flashes hahaha

he is a lazy bum.

he likes chewing my brother's smelly shoes.

louis smiling, his eyes look creepy as hell though.
He is super cute. I hope he is ok. Sad story.
you should smile more :)
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