Thursday, July 9, 2009

samantha supertramp.

My dreams are trying to tell me something.
The main theme they've all shared;

So positive.
I guess I'm just a lost cause.

P.S. Very sick of these "The Ugly Truth" ads on facebook. I hate Katherine Heigl. I really want to banish her to an island inhabited only with Komodo Dragons.


hmla2599 said...

Whoa. I have the helplessness in dreams thing too.

I don't have an intense hatred for KH, but I think you're hilarious.

hmla2599 said...

Sam, I am sorry to inform you that you are "tagged" on my blog and now must invite the internet to your house.

raisin heart said...

what does tagged mean!? sounds intriguing!

hmla2599 said...

Ha. Nerdy internet word. It just means that I wrote a post showing people my house, and assigned you to do the same. Explanation here:

lucky paragon said...

I hate KH too....can't believe she is nominated sexy....hahha...bullshit