Wednesday, July 2, 2008

second entry: a runaway/mini breakdown letter

a letter to my parents about me running away to philadelphia.
they never got this letter since I ended up telling them about my plan the day before I left.
(this is undated, but it's sometime between the last week of may and the first week of june)

The only reason I'm writing this is so you guys don't worry. Although, maybe that line wasn't the best opening statement.
I'll be gone for a little while. I need some time off. Sometime away from everything and everyone. This is a good thing for me. I need this. I need a break before I lose my mind, if I haven't already. Please don't call me.
I'll call you when I get to my destination. I'm still not sure where that is though. It's just like any other trip I'll take, except you guys can't know the details. I'm not telling my friends either, so don't feel left out. If I'm not home tonight or tomorrow I'll be home by Friday night so I can do my laundry for work. I'm not going on some crazy drug binge either, cause I know you're probably thinking that.
Recently I've really fallen into a funk and I need some recooperating. I need to build up my mental immune system, I need a clean slate, and I need to be away from everything I'm so attached to. I've worn myself thin. I'm stressing myself out.
I'm pretty sure of where I'm going actually. And I know someone there, I figure they can help me around.
Just please don't fret about me, I'm going to be perfectly fine, and if I won't be, then I'll call you. I'm sorry that you have my basket case ass for a daughter.
I love you all, you're the best.
Don't worry about me, I'm an adult, and I'm tough, and I carry mase.

Samantha Jean McAndrew

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