Friday, May 29, 2009


I've been neglecting this blogspot, but don't worry, due to current stress-ors I can blog all night and into the morning.

First, I love listening to Amy Winehouse. But only Back to Black, her other ep's I wasn't too fond of, Back to Black is SOOO genius. LOVES IT, way too much.

Secondly, I can not deal with all this pressure.
I can not deal with my parents trying to shove me out the door although I can barely make my $150 month car payments.
I can not deal with not having enough money to pay my NUMEROUS parking tickets.
I can not deal with not being able to pay for my Dominican Republic trip that I owe my mother for.
I can't pay my credit card bill which is only less than 100, but I still can't even scramble to find that much money.
I can't ask moms because a) she's cheap, and b) she's probably making less money than I am right now.
I can't pay my car bill because I have zero dollars in my wallet and I'm only working Saturday night this weekend, and Sunday morning, and I can't find any other shifts.

So a quick summary of that is, I can't afford the lifestyle I lead with semi-new clothes, a new car, and a tropical paradise type vacation (even if I'm paying less than 1/3 of the trip), and unless I start making 1,000 dollars a month, I also can't afford to move out.

I'd consider hanging myself in my bedroom right now, but I have one of those basement boxed ceilings which would just crumble under my weight, sooooo even that wouldn't work out for me.



ONE GOOD THING- I don't think I'm on academic suspension. I *fingers crossed* got a 2.0 this semester, so I'll be able to take classes next semester.


"I don't understand,
why do I stress a man,
when there are so many weirder things at hand?
we could've never had it all,
we had to hit a wall,
so this is inevitable withdrawal.
even if I stop wanting you,
a perspective pushes through,
I'll be some next man's other woman soon."

I love A.W!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I'm watching way too many cable reruns of Sex and the City and it really makes me want to be in a relationship so I can sleep with someone I'm comfortable with on a daily basis.
How hard is it to find someone?!

So I'm putting out a want-ad for such a person.
I think I'm onto something.

Friday, May 1, 2009

you know that i'm no good.

The Pros and Cons of Summer.

1. Not having school, although, starting next summer, I'm not having any more seasonal breaks.
2. Trees are in full bloom. I like trees, what can I say?
3. Vacations, although I never really end up going anywhere. This summer is a different story though, THANK GOD.
4. Sleeping in and not feeling guilty for doing so.
5. Restaurants have outdoor seating, I love that.
6. Drinking in the afternoon. Doing it during the winter/fall just isn't that much fun.
7. BBQs. Kind of goes along with number 6, but not necessarily.
9. Going out more.
10. Driving with the windows down. I love the wind.
11. Sidewalk chalk, enough said.
12. Not having to drive home drunk late at nights cause it's warm enough to walk home.
13. Dodgeball.
14. Getting drunk at the park. My fave pasttime.

1. SWEATING. ew, sweating. I don't think I hate anything more than sweating, it grosses me out, gives me the heebie jeebies, looking at sweaty people is gross. JDFAGKJGKLJ4OJT UGH.
2. 95+ weather. I don't enjoy heat stroke.
3. Bathing suits. FUCKING HATE bathing suits, I look like a beached whale, I don't want to be forced to go swimming at Amanda's pool cause everyone else is. I'm self conscious okay! jeezus.
4. Air conditioning. I actually don't really like it, but sometimes it's just too hot and you have to. I also hate the central air in my house because my basement is always freezing.
5. Not having school. I know, call me crazy, but I get bored sometimes.
6. Pollen, allergies, other lame shit like that.
7. Not being able to wear cute fall clothes/boots.
8. The rising price of gasoline during the summer months.
9. Summer thunderstorms can happen at any time and I don't like that. I don't enjoy leaving my house when it's raining, and in the summer- rain is just too spontaneous for me.
10. Goes along with number 9, frizzy hair, and then hearing people with pin straight hair bitch about having frizzy hair.

So with that said,
it's almost summer- yay!
My first finals start next Tuesday, and my last is the following Tuesday.
I have yet to tell my mother that I will not be taking summer classes because I'll probably be on academic suspension. Well, it's less like probably and more like definite.
Wish me luck!
Happy May Day!