Friday, May 29, 2009


I've been neglecting this blogspot, but don't worry, due to current stress-ors I can blog all night and into the morning.

First, I love listening to Amy Winehouse. But only Back to Black, her other ep's I wasn't too fond of, Back to Black is SOOO genius. LOVES IT, way too much.

Secondly, I can not deal with all this pressure.
I can not deal with my parents trying to shove me out the door although I can barely make my $150 month car payments.
I can not deal with not having enough money to pay my NUMEROUS parking tickets.
I can not deal with not being able to pay for my Dominican Republic trip that I owe my mother for.
I can't pay my credit card bill which is only less than 100, but I still can't even scramble to find that much money.
I can't ask moms because a) she's cheap, and b) she's probably making less money than I am right now.
I can't pay my car bill because I have zero dollars in my wallet and I'm only working Saturday night this weekend, and Sunday morning, and I can't find any other shifts.

So a quick summary of that is, I can't afford the lifestyle I lead with semi-new clothes, a new car, and a tropical paradise type vacation (even if I'm paying less than 1/3 of the trip), and unless I start making 1,000 dollars a month, I also can't afford to move out.

I'd consider hanging myself in my bedroom right now, but I have one of those basement boxed ceilings which would just crumble under my weight, sooooo even that wouldn't work out for me.



ONE GOOD THING- I don't think I'm on academic suspension. I *fingers crossed* got a 2.0 this semester, so I'll be able to take classes next semester.


"I don't understand,
why do I stress a man,
when there are so many weirder things at hand?
we could've never had it all,
we had to hit a wall,
so this is inevitable withdrawal.
even if I stop wanting you,
a perspective pushes through,
I'll be some next man's other woman soon."

I love A.W!!

1 comment:

hmla2599 said...

Where the fuck is the money tree I've been searching for?