Friday, April 10, 2009


My posts are usually named after the songs I'm listening to.

I had a great night tonight. After we left the bar, I talked to Harold and met up with him, Don, and Doug, and it was nice seeing all of them, I've missed that whole clan so much, they're such a good, honest bunch.

It got me thinking of people in my life that are good and bad influences on me, and I don't mean in the way that, like, I do things with them that I shouldn't. But rather, I was thinking about certain people that bring me down, and other people that I'm happy to be around.
I feel like the past few weeks I've been happy with the people I've been spending time with.
I'm just so sick of people that bring me down.

EX: people that;
make me feel guilty, fakes, barnacles (aka. people that attach themselves to others), indecisive people that end up making you indecisive, negative people, hypocrites, people that are always willing to point out flaws in others but never flaws within themselves, are dependent on others, are unwilling to make themselves happy, those that don't live in the present but rather the past or future, and of course two-faced people.

Basically, I've been happy with the people I've been surrounding myself with lately. I never feel like I'm being brought down, and when people bring you down, well, that's one of the worst feelings.

Human behavior is funny.
Funny-weird, not funny-hilarious.

Keep it real.

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