Thursday, March 22, 2007

trash can

i'm going to cut out my brain with a spoon.
i'm not going to leave anymore franny + zooey quotes cause i'm too lazy and i don't give a shit. i finally have a padlock necklace. thank you marissa's diary. don't worry, it's classy, never trashy. HAHAHAHAHA. hypocrite.
tomorrow i'm going to amandas school. then in the morning i'm going out with tiffany. i'm hella excited cause i haven't seen that crazy 4-inch-heel-loving bitch in so long. then friday night..... PARTY.
suggest something good for me to read you fuckers who never read this.
i'm in between i think.. 5 books right now... it's absolutely impossible for me to complete ANYTHING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
I've already been using too many caps lock in this entry. That will officially ruin my night. I'm lying, really. My right arm is so fucking cold. Poor circulation, "ew".
Nora + I tried to get served at the arena diner in Hackensack, didn't work out so well. blows. I guess we'll be going to family fun for quite sometime, until we get fake id's / turn 21. but like.. UGH... I just don't want to buy an i.d. cause I'm sooooo close to 21, so god damn close. I need a sweater I'm freezing. I hate my cheap ass mom and her "keep the house at 69 degrees".. yeah well she doesn't live in the basement where it's about five degrees colder and I can no longer feel the tip of my nose.
My basement smells like mildew. Part of my basement was flooding this week. There was a sinkhole in the middle of the street that collapsed our water line. something like that.
jesus&marychain<333 SO YUMMY.
my clothes smell, i don't remember the last time i washed this sweater. it's got the lingering smell of smoke, houlihans, sweat, and a little bit of acid rain. I wonder when I wore this out raining? I'm wearing my sister's tiffany necklace right now. She threatened my life if I lost it. Why didn't I ever get a tiffany's necklace when I was younger? This is such bullshit. I will never adjust to having siblings. Or rather, I will never adjust to my siblings having much more than I did/do. Spoiled rotten brats (myself included in that one)
Nora and I want to go see a show next week, get drunk, and have an all-around good time. I miss good times. What the hell am I getting so nostalgic over. Pretend like the last two sentences were never in here.
I'm listening to 90s club kid songs. I feel like a loser. I love dancing, deal with it.
I gave up on my sewing machine last week, sucks that I bought all this fabric. It's such nice fabric too. I hate technology.
I'm getting a gold chain for easter... holla!

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